By Railway It is 2 minutes walk form JR Shimada station.
By Car It takes 20 minutes from Tomei Yosida IC by car.
It takes 20 minutes from Fuji Shizuoka Airpor by car.
Parking(Free) We provie free parking lot for 17 cars. Basement parking lot has a height limit. When the parking lot is full there are some more pay parking lots nearby with maximum 800 yen.(It depends on situation)
JR Shimada station


  • Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Airport
    This airport is located between Shimada City and Makinohara City in Shizuoka Presecure which mean reachable for both cities.
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  • SL Oigawa Railway
    Oigawa railway company is the only 1 company to make SL train run more than 300 times in a year in Japan. They are colorful cute traines like Tomasu train and Trolley train etc. These trains run along the Oigawa river with slowly time.
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  • Horai Bridge
    Horai bridge accross the Oigawa river is the longgest woody bridge in the world. It is light up at night to make you enjoy beautiful scenery.
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  • Rose Hill Park
    Shimada city is famous for the cultivation of rose. Many kind of roses in the world are grown and Rose fesitval is held in spring and autumn.
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